As the end of the school year approaches, it is time to follow through on those important tasks that must be done. The following checklist can help.
Spring Checklist
- Check requirements and preparations for Regional and International Student Conventions.
- Solidify plans for your Awards Program.
- Order Iowa Assessments™ testing materials for end-of-year testing. View the Iowa ordering and testing dates.
- Remind parents to search for nearby testing sites where their high school students may take the SAT or ACT college entrance exams.
- Complete graduation preparations.
- Plan an exciting end-of-year activity for all students.
- Preenroll students for next year. Use the Application for Re-enrollment form.
- Add or revise the uniform program for next year.
- Consider a summer school program.
- Begin promotion of parent orientation dates scheduled for August/September.
- Purchase appropriate Parent Orientation kits. (available in English, Spanish, and Korean)