A.C.E.’s reading development curriculum includes phonics-based programs designed for a variety of learners and learning situations. To order, please visit our web store or contact your global representative if you live outside the United States.
Beginning Reading Programs for Young Children
Assessing when a young child is ready to read is critical to his achievement as a student. The A.C.E. system has two reading programs designed to meet your child's needs at the appropriate time. To learn how to use these programs in more detail, please view our Reading Development workshop videos.
This full-year kindergarten program is based on a complete scope and sequence of concepts and skills needed to prepare a child to read. The program is designed for children who do not pass both parts of the ABCs with Ace and Christi Pretest. Sixty PACEs (2,000 pages) filled with Bible and animal pictures, coordination development activities, and full-color picture stories encourage a child to want to read. The student will also learn social skills, the wonders of God’s world, and the reality of God’s love.
This full-year Level 1 program is designed for those who have not been to school or who do not yet know how to read. To begin this program, the student must pass both parts of the Pretest. In the first 12–15 weeks, the ABCs with Ace and Christi program will prepare children for the individualized instruction of the PACE curriculum. The lively and entertaining phonics-based program features cartoon characters, songs, poems, displays, and character-building activities.
Second-Language Reading Programs
This course is designed for young school-aged children who do not speak English as their first language. Sixty lessons help children learn conversational English skills and prepare students to begin the ABCs with Ace and Christi program.
This full-year program is designed for children ages 5–9 who have passed the Pretest, which helps determine if a student is ready to learn to read. The Speaking English with Ace and Christi and ABCs with Ace and Christi programs are combined, allowing students to learn to read and speak English with enough comprehension to begin working on Level 1 PACEs in the English language by week 19.
This video-based program is for older students and adults who do not speak English as their first language. Students complete a purchased ESL workbook while viewing the free online videos, leading to an intermediate level of proficiency with the English language.
Bible Reading
The A.C.E. Bible Reading curriculum reinforces reading skills with Scripture selections for Levels 2–6. (In Level 1, the instructor reads to the students.) Readings demonstrate Christian principles and complement character-building activities. Various character traits are emphasized.
Readmaster® challenges students to read better, faster, and with more confidence. Through this program, students are introduced to vocabulary words on their reading level, read engaging stories at an automated speed, and answer questions for comprehension. Readmaster is available exclusively through aceconnect.
The Videophonics literacy course is designed for English-speaking students ages 9 through adult. Videophonics is completed through free online videos and their corresponding Videophonics workbooks. The course includes the application of reading and writing skills. The combination of technology with a time-tested phonics method makes learning to read easier.