
Should a student transfer to another school using the A.C.E. curiculum and program, make certain the student’s Permanent/Academic Record is updated and complete, and is professional in appearance.

Records to send for transfer students.

List of Records to Send for Transfer Students

    • Send COPY of the Permanent/Academic Record (Form #324). Copies of Permanent Records of graduates may also be released to designated colleges or prospective employers upon receipt of a letter from the graduate or his parents.
    • Do Not send the originals of the Permanent/Academic Records. You need to maintain them permanently. Send copies only.
    • Send COPY of each Student Progress Report as a backup to the Permanent/Academic Record.
    • Send COPY of achievement and cognitive skills test data and Student Reports (Stanford/OLSAT).
    • Send COPY of ACT and/or SAT test results.
    • Send former school records you received from another school (if any) when the student enrolled in your school.
    • Do Not send Discipline Records.
    • Send a letter explaining the grading system with records.

Some states require parents to submit a written request to release academic records to specified educational institutions. Where this is needed, give a copy of form #327 Student Record Release to parents. Then, the parents give the copy to the receiving school to complete and send to you as an official request for releasing student records.

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