Uncertainty and disruptions in our everyday lives have been the norm recently. Lockdowns and mandatory school closings have affected the majority of nations around the world. Many schools using the A.C.E. curriculum have had to find new ways to assist students in their academic journeys. To help these schools, A.C.E. has developed the Virtual Learning Center video series. A.C.E. needed to formulate the procedures for a Virtual Learning Center, then test the concept. A Model Status school was chosen to pilot the new program. Based on the observations, A.C.E. staff derived a plan to share the procedures with schools experiencing similar shutdowns. The Virtual Learning Center was born.
The Virtual Learning Center videos, available free online, present a template for schools to follow when they are unable to host students in person. Staff learn how to run a Virtual Learning Center from start to finish, regardless of how long students need to school remotely. Step-by-step instructions detail how to maintain the integrity and methodology of the program. Topics include setting up a Virtual Learning Center, acquiring communication equipment, allocating resources, and transitioning back to a school environment.
The videos are broken into short segments so that individual topics can easily be referenced. These sessions include:
- What Is a Virtual Learning Center?
- Roles and Platforms (Part 1)
- Roles and Platforms (Part 2)
- Setup: Establishing Your Procedures (Part 1)
- Setup: Making Preparations (Part 2)
- Setup: Transitioning to Home (Part 3)
- Staying on Schedule
- PACE Work and Scoring
- Goal Setting and Goal Checking
- ESL Procedures (Part 1)
- ESL Procedures (Part 2)
Virtual Learning Center sessions can be found at the Educators' Workshop or on the A.C.E. YouTube channel under the Virtual Learning Center playlist. Subscribe to the ACE School of Tomorrow YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are released. Also learn how to incorporate a Virtual Educational Assistant in your school.