
20 Key Questions to Ask

Are all students setting reasonable goals?
Are at least 90 percent of the students completing a PACE in each subject every three weeks?
Are students being motivated with praise, honor rolls, field trips, and other incentives?
Are all students showing an academic balance by working evenly in all subjects?
Is a positive Learning Center environment being portrayed by Supervisors and Monitors (confidence, encouragement, etc.)?
Are students receiving proper recognition for their achievement (praise with Congratulation Slips, special star stickers on Student Progress Charts for PACE Tests)?
Is the Supervisor expecting too much or not enough from each student?
Is the Supervisor enthusiastic about his/her work (is flexible with the schedule, not a complainer, and is enthusiastic about serving God and others)?
Are proper controls being implemented in the Learning Center (procedures, stars on Student Progress Charts, demerits, detentions, PACE work, office neatness, merits, etc.)?
Are scoring violations being addresses properly (discipline must be consistent for each violation, taking into consideration the degree and repetition of offense)?
Are staff allowing exceptions to basic rules (i.e. allowing students privilege status without earning them)?
Are all expectations and procedures clearly defined and understood?
Do staff members show equity with staff children?
Have the students who are showing poor academic achievement taken a sight and hearing screening test?
Are students setting higher goals in repeat PACEs (setting higher goals is recommended in repeat PACEs)?
Are students required to give oral and written reports on literature books?
Are the parents of students not making honor roll receiving the Honor Roll Projection Slip in the third and sixth weeks of each quarter?
Ask yourself and your Supervisors the following Laws of Learning questions about each student: 
  • Is the student on a level of curriculum where he can perform? (Law 1)
  • Is the student setting reasonable goals? (Law 2)
  • Is the student controlled and motivated? (Law 3)
  • Is the student’s learning measurable? (Law 4)
  • Is the student being rewarded? (Law 5)
Are students using computers for available A.C.E. programs (Readmaster, Typemaster, Math Builder, Word Builder, Word Building Tests, etc.)?
Is your staff computer literate?

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