
Between summer activities is a great time to begin to anticipate another exciting year of learning with A.C.E. As parent-friendly homeschool curriculum, A.C.E. offers the following checklist to make this school year the best it can be!

For a Prepared Homeschool

  • Reestablish a specific area of your home for your child’s learning. This will help eliminate distractions and will create a stable learning atmosphere for your student.
  • Set specific goals for your student to accomplish this school year.
  • Organize and straighten bookshelves in your library. Make sure you have the correct resource books that accompany the literature PACEs.
  • Create a filing system for upcoming and completed PACE Tests.
  • Ensure that you have the proper tools for goal setting, rewards, and record keeping. These are included in the handy Record-Keeping Set (one needed per student).
  • Order A.C.E. PACEs and Score Keys. Orders can be placed online or by calling Customer Service at 1-800-925-7777.
  • Inventory and restock school supplies.
  • Create a school calendar including holidays, field trips, and other exciting activities. Post a copy on the fridge or in the student’s learning area.
  • Place new themed or encouraging posters in your student’s learning area.

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