Discover why A.C.E. curriculum is the first choice for thousands of schools and homeschool families worldwide!
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A.C.E. Curriculum
The A.C.E. program offers you an academic curriculum that includes skill building, goal setting, reading practice, and character building—all with strong Biblical integration! This complete package begins with reading development courses and progresses through high school with the core curriculum and a variety of electives.
A.C.E.'s self-instructional PACEs (Packets of Accelerated Christian Education) allow your students to learn with minimal supervision. Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. However, students are not locked-stepped by these levels. Students who are more skilled may accelerate in their areas of academic strength, while those who find the material more challenging may take as long as necessary to complete it. Each student, while working at his own level of proficiency, will master the material.
Do you have students that are new to the A.C.E. program? Start by using the aceconnect® Diagnostic Test to evaluate your students' academic needs in each subject. The test helps identify academic weaknesses and prescribes a path forward that meets and challenges each student at his performance level.
Online Curriculum
A.C.E. offers curriculum in print as well as online via ePACE. ePACE incorporates A.C.E.'s learning methodology and all the elements of the printed PACE into an interactive digital format. Register for aceconnect Premium Access to set up an account for your school with an unlimited number of staff and student accounts. Premium Access also includes Readmaster, Typemaster, Mathbuilder, and Wordbuilder. Visit aceconnect.com/epace to learn more about ePACE and the online courses currently available.

Beyond Curriculum
The A.C.E. program is indeed more than just a curriculum. A.C.E. provides a wide variety of student programs and enrichment opportunities for educators at locations around the world. Click the banner below to see how A.C.E. can take education at your school or homeschool far beyond academics.